Friday, August 3, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday: Vol #9

Read the original at Conversion Diary.

1.  Hiatus:  Just when I was getting on a roll with this whole, blogging regularly thing, I missed last week's 7 Quick Takes.  I thought about excuses like being too busy, not feeling good, working on other projects, being under a lot of stress... but to think about using those excuses I'd also have to think about lying.  Truth is I procrastinated and got lazy.  One of these days I'll no longer be lazy... one of these days.

2.  Olympic Coverage Rant:  I wish they had more diverse coverage of the different sports featured in the Summer Olympics.  Gymnastics is entertaining, volleyball is great, water polo is alright and swimming would be exciting if they didn't have 147 different events.  They're all okay.  But come on, can we see more of the other events?  Equestrian, fencing, skeet shooting, field hockey or dodgeball (I wish)?  Something?  Anything?

3.  Teenage Athletes:  Being a former youth minister and working with teenagers for a solid decade I am so impressed with the amount of teenage athletes competing in the Olympics.  There's been two gold medal swimmers, the United States' Melissa Franklin (17) and Lithuania's Rula Meilutyte (15).  Pretty much all the female gymnasts are teenagers.  I saw a teenage kayaker the other day.  I've worked with a lot of teenagers over the years and I can tell you it takes a special someone to develop that kind of work ethic, have the presence and also to handle the pressure of the Olympic stage at such a young age.  So much for teenagers not having the ability to focus, excel or do anything besides make snarky comments to adults in authority and listen to their iPods.  I'm truly impressed. 

4.  Fantasy Football:  Rule #1 of fantasy football is to not bore other people by talking about your fantasy football team (for some of you, I already broke that rule just by writing that sentence).  I, myself, am pumped for this upcoming season.  Since my family has relocated I've had to cobble together a hodgepodge league of friends, family members, and their friends but we've got an interesting league starting up.  10 team Dynasty, year round trading, a very basic salary cap and even a rookie draft in the late spring like the NFL.  Is it nerdy?  Yeah.  But if you're gonna be a nerd, best go all out.  

5.  Still Haven't Seen Batman:  I know, after expelling all that hot gas about the movie a few weeks ago, I still haven't gone to see it.  My daughter had a birthday, I'm coming down with a case of sinus somethingitis and my wife has been feeling "blah."  Life takes precedence over movies about the caped crusader... but I still plan to see the movie about the caped crusader in my life.  Hopefully this week...

6.  Article of the Week - Catholicism in the South:  Very interesting, if brief, read on the Catholic faith in the Southern United States.  My favorite quote, “In such an environment those who are casual cultural and cafeteria Catholics quickly become either ex-Catholics or evangelical Catholics, and that is paradoxically one of the reasons why our congregation and many other Southern parishes are flourishing: The unique challenge for Catholics seeking to live their Christian faith in the South leaves no room for spiritual mediocrity, doctrinal confusion, uncertain commitments or a lukewarm interior life.”

7.  Meme of the Week:  Removed... before the picture police arrested me.

Read the original at Conversion Diary.


  1. #6 - Thanks for the link, I read the article and it was very interesting.

  2. ... hooray for male involvement in 7QT!

    1. I know; there should besome sort of group or feature entitled something like "Men Who Write Quick-Takes: Portait of a Token Minority."

  3. I commented on a comment on the article when it came out:

    “The reason Catholic churches are starting to thrive in the South is because they are basically indistinguishable from Protestant ones except for the Canon of the Mass.”

    "I’ve belonged to Fr. Newman’s parish since I was a kid. The many Protestant converts at St. Mary’s would absolutely disagree with this assessment."
