Friday, August 10, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday: Vol #10

1.  The Batman:  Finally, finally, finally got to see Dark Knight Rises.  My patience was rewarded.  I can't think of a better ending for this trilogy than the one they wrote.  It tied in nicely with the other two films (especially considering this wasn't originally supposed to be a trilogy).  

As far as my guesses went... well, go watch it yourself and see how close I got.  

2.  Inglorious Illegitimate Children:  A few years ago my wife and I rented Quentin Tarantino's most recent movie about a group of Nazi hunters in WWII, called Inglorious... well you know the rest.  I knew it would be weird, but I thought the movie would be funny and perhaps have some point to it.  It was a little funny in some places ("Y'know why I hate fightin' in a basement?  Cuz we're fightin' in a basement.").  It was one of the most worthless movies I've ever seen.

It came on TV this week and my wife and I decided to watch it again.  Perhaps we had expected too much the first time around.  Perhaps we let disappointment ruin what was good in the movie.  We watched it again.

It still stinks.

3.  Fantasy Football:  I read the best rule ever for a fantasy football league.  In order to keep teams from intentionally losing at the end of the season (to get a better draft pick) the rule is that the team that wins the league gets to change the worst team in the league's team name and logo for the entire upcoming season.  

Imagine, your team is in last place.  You have nothing to play for.  Except if you lose your team name next year will be the Wussy-Butt Care Bears and your logo would be Sailor Moon riding a unicorn while playing a flute.  

I'd play like the dickens to avoid that fate.  

4.  Bathroom signs at the Mexican Restaurant:  So... we went to a local Mexican restaurant recently and (as usual) I had to go to the bathroom.  I was expecting the ubiquitous, standard "men-women" sign.  Maybe the kitsch Mexican style "Hombres-Senoritas."  Nope

This bathroom sign just had a picture... but I was able to figure out which bathroom to use:

I mean, come on! How much more macho can you get? Do you know what this picture says? It doesn't say "This restroom is for men." It says, "This restroom is for REAL MEN. Do not enter unless you're wearing an awesome hat, have a bandanna tied around your neck, donning cowboy boots and, let us not forget, a gun with a concealed carry permit. And by the way, our restroom isn't a room at all, you can just unzip and pee on whatever you want."

This what we need. Not the bland, stock clip art, faceless, meaningless man shape.  We need gender role modols.  And nothing says gender role model like a guy out in the middle of a desert, urinating with the force of a garden house and armed with a revolver.  

5.  More Bathroom signs at the Mexican Restaurant:  Think the men's sign was a sight to behold?  Check out the women's sign... because nothing says feminine like squatting to pee on a cactus.

6.  Article of the Week - Theology of the Living Dead.  This article is a little older, but still awesome.  It basically explores the morality of living in a zombie apocalypse.  I'm not big into the whole zombie "thing" but the article is a fun read.  

7.  Meme of the Week:  Removed... before the picture police got on my case.

Read the original at Conversion Diary.

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