Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Back to Blogging

Excessive absence?  Ppppfffffff... I mean 614 days is a bit long, but excessive?  So why did I stop blogging?  

Simple:  life.

What has transpired in the past 614 days?  Well my wife and I had another child, which meant I needed to spend twice as much writing time changing dirty diapers.  I got a job.  A very not fun job.  A job I disdain, where I've had to work every shift, every holiday and until recently had only been allowed to take 3 vacation days in a year and half.  I've had two relatively minor surgeries, I've been on a job search, gained 60 lbs, dropped out of RCIA, gone back and forth between denominations, have never found a church home, royally sucked at prayer, and been diagnosed with ADD.  There have been a lot of good time and whole lot of bad times.  So why get back into blogging?

Simple:  life.

Things are starting to look up.  I spend a lot of time with my family but it is a little bit easier to squeeze in writing time than it was just a few months ago.  I'm on the prowl for a new job and I think I will be successful in the next few months.  I'm beginning the weight loss process (again).  Thanks to some small improvement in my prayer life I am slowly breaking down the doubts, fears and intellectual stalemates that plagued me before.  

So I am mulling over a return to blogging, which I always enjoyed and now I finally realize how much it helped me work through things and become a better man.  I'm sending this out on the random chance that some poor person might stumble upon it and offer their opinion...

Should I stick with this domain & blog title or not?  

I mean I like the thought of beach chairs and pews.  But it is a gangly url, a little funky to spell and let's face it I live nine hours drive from the nearest beach.  I'm not sure if it is best to just get a fresh start to bring this blog back from the dead.  I'm leaning towards a fresh start, since that is something I need in my life anyways.  Any thoughts...



  1. If I do decide to change urls and get a fresh start I will of course leave a forwarding (web) address...

  2. After a lot of thought, I think I'm going to start fresh... I feel I was too polemical and scattered here. A fresh start might do some good... I will likely migrate (and update) a lot of the content from Beach Chair to my new site... as soon as I decide on a domain name I'll leave the link...

  3. We did move to

    I am still working on introductory content, but should be up and running soon.
