Friday, July 4, 2014


This blog, Beach Chair between Pews, was a good dream, but a rather disappointing reality.  I never was very consistent.  And perhaps for the best.  I have gone through a lot changes in the years since I opened this blog and while I am still on the journey I was on when I began this blog (and even on the same trajectory) I feel differently about things than I did several years ago.  So much has changed, in fact, that I feel a new blog and a fresh start are needed.  I thank everyone who took the time to read any of my posts, I thank you for your thoughts, and encouragement.  I hope I can be less disappointing the second time around.  You can find me now at

I am still working on introductory content, but should be up and running shortly.

Thank you all again, it has truly been my pleasure...


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Back to Blogging

Excessive absence?  Ppppfffffff... I mean 614 days is a bit long, but excessive?  So why did I stop blogging?  

Simple:  life.

What has transpired in the past 614 days?  Well my wife and I had another child, which meant I needed to spend twice as much writing time changing dirty diapers.  I got a job.  A very not fun job.  A job I disdain, where I've had to work every shift, every holiday and until recently had only been allowed to take 3 vacation days in a year and half.  I've had two relatively minor surgeries, I've been on a job search, gained 60 lbs, dropped out of RCIA, gone back and forth between denominations, have never found a church home, royally sucked at prayer, and been diagnosed with ADD.  There have been a lot of good time and whole lot of bad times.  So why get back into blogging?

Simple:  life.

Things are starting to look up.  I spend a lot of time with my family but it is a little bit easier to squeeze in writing time than it was just a few months ago.  I'm on the prowl for a new job and I think I will be successful in the next few months.  I'm beginning the weight loss process (again).  Thanks to some small improvement in my prayer life I am slowly breaking down the doubts, fears and intellectual stalemates that plagued me before.  

So I am mulling over a return to blogging, which I always enjoyed and now I finally realize how much it helped me work through things and become a better man.  I'm sending this out on the random chance that some poor person might stumble upon it and offer their opinion...

Should I stick with this domain & blog title or not?  

I mean I like the thought of beach chairs and pews.  But it is a gangly url, a little funky to spell and let's face it I live nine hours drive from the nearest beach.  I'm not sure if it is best to just get a fresh start to bring this blog back from the dead.  I'm leaning towards a fresh start, since that is something I need in my life anyways.  Any thoughts...
